Hey, hi. We’ve got a new novella coming out next week, on December 21st. We’re not making too big a deal about it because it’s written by our editor and we know that makes things kind of awkward, but it’s still a really good book. Eirik poured his heart and soul and extensive love of B-movie horror into it, and you should check it out — and, in fact, if you keep scrolling, you’ll find we’ve made that last part exceptionally easy.

On Ingolstadt Island, the INFERNAL ORGANS harvest you!
There are, as Eliza Duran knows firsthand, any number of issues that can follow a double lung transplant: surgical complications, infections, rejection. But having to confront all of her buried trauma and internalized isolation while attempting to escape a mad scientist’s mansion overrun by a horror horde of rampaging organs hellbent on humanity’s destruction? That’s a new one, even for her.
This brisk and brutal Frankenstein retelling, the literary love-child of Re-Animator and Gremlins, from the guy who ruined the end of the world in the Exponential Apocalypse series, is chock full of blood, guts, and scathingly sarcastic commentary about the intersection of disability, capitalism, and societal ableism. Also, a tech-bro gets choked to death by a pancreas. A lot of tech-bros and businessholes get murdered actually. It’s fun.
Infernal Organs is the only novella about vicious, revivified viscera you’ll ever need — and the only one written by someone who’s actually had an organ transplant. And we mean, like, ever, in all of recorded history. So that’s something it’s got going for it, too.
As of right now, the book is a digital exclusive. Pre-orders are available here, or …
… if you’d like a free e-book, sign up for either our mailing list or our newsletter and Infernal Organs will be all yours on the 21st!
If you are, understandably, worried about inbox clutter, here’s the breakdown. Our mailing list comprises updates on the big three only — crowdfunding, submissions, and publications. The newsletter (currently on Substack) is basically the same, though there might be an occasional essay, interview, or year-end wrap-up in the mix, too.
You see, way back in almost a year ago, Twitter wasn’t completely broken and we were able to spread the word about ourselves there, funding our first year on Kickstarter and filling the pages of our first two anthologies with some amazingly talented writers.
But that is, sadly, not the situation now. Social media has become almost painfully ineffective, with everyone, writers and readers alike, scattered to a half-dozen different platforms, and that’s assuming they haven’t give up altogether. The future of Atomic Carnival Books is only possible if we have an alternative to shouting into the increasingly cavernous social media void. So, a PBS-style pledge drive to get you on our mailing list, and a bribe in the form of a new novella from our editor.
*In the spirit of transparency: this is being done because we’re broke and Eirik is our only free and renewable resource. He, like so many editors, isn’t making a goddamn dime off of this; he is, in fact, spending his own dimes.
Anyway, sign up, get a book, save a small press. This is the easiest thing you’ll do all day.