In case you missed it over the weekend, some big news: our Kickstarter is funded! Paperbacks of both anthologies and increased author payments are officially a go! We’ve also locked in our first three writers: Danger Slater, Lydia Bugg, and Ally Malinenko!

The campaign runs until April 30. We’ve got some great stretch goals in the works, plus some goodies that are only available during the Kickstarter, so get your pre-orders in now!
All incentives have been unlocked, including exclusive digital-only collections of classic sci-fi and horror, coming to you by the end of the month; an interview with Ally Malinenko and another as-yet-unannounced author; and a midnight reading of Edgar Allan Poe’s “Hop-Frog” from the haunted Clown Motel in Nevada. Trust us, you don’t want to miss that.
With all that already happening, where do we go from here? Well, we’re glad you asked. Stretch goals for the Kickstarter campaign include a brand-new novella from editor Eirik Gumeny – an anti-capitalist stoner sci-fi retelling of Frankenstein – plus another brand-new novella from an as-yet-announced author. And if we clear both of those, our next two goals increase author payments, all the way up to the SFWA pro-rate of $.08/word.

If you want to be a part of all this amazing amazingness, well, good news! Submissions for both Electrical Sweater anthologies are open until June 30, 2023.
For Greater Than His Nature, we’re looking for short stories based around the theme of “mad science.” For this one, we’re especially interested to include stories from disabled and chronically ill writers, or anyone else who might’ve come a little too close to some IRL mad science.
For Open All Night, we want horror and dark fantasy based around the theme of “open all night.” While not strictly necessary, we’ll definitely be looking for retail and service industry-based stories.
And, of course, the above genres are more of a vague suggestion than anything – if you want to deviate, a little or a lot, that’s cool with us. More info can be found on our submissions page.
We’ll be announcing more authors and incentives throughout the month, so be sure to check back often, subscribe to our newsletter, or follow us on Twitter and Mastodon. And, oh yeah, you can track your submissions on Duotrope and The Submission Grinder, too.
Thank you to everyone who’s helped us get this far, but let’s not stop now! This carnival is just getting started; there’s no telling how far we can go. Support! Submit! Another word that begins with S! Let’s make something weird!