Submissions for EAT THE RICH
are currently OPEN.
Submissions will be open from April 1 – April 30, 2024. Submissions will be kept open for BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, chronically-ill/disabled, and writers from other historically marginalized groups until May 15, 2024.
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The Rules
Eat the Rich is a speculative fiction anthology of billionaires being eaten. That’s it, full stop. Give us carnivores, cannibals, kaiju, cryptids, and, of course, capitalist comeuppance. So long as some kind of obnoxiously wealthy fuck gets eaten — somewhere, somewhen, somehow — the sky’s the limit.
*we’re looking for interpretations of literally being eaten, but what that means is entirely up to you
*billionaires are the cause of 9 out of 10 problems, but if you want to set your sights on lower-tier wealth, go ahead
*from 100 up to 8,000 words is acceptable, but between 2K – 6K is the sweet spot
*close is okay, but please be reasonable
*if you’re so far out of range you feel the need to query, you probably already know the answer
*the answer is no
*please send only one story at a time
*simultaneous submissions are cool, just let us know, if, when, etc.
*if you’re rejected, feel free to try again — once, for a total of two submissions per anthology
*no reprints
*misogyny, sexism, racism, ableism, and homophobic and transphobic bullshit will not be tolerated
*pulp, bizarro, and transgressive writing are all a-okay, so long as they don’t do any of the above
*anything that could be a right-wing talking point is emphatically not for us
*to reiterate: pro-capitalism, pro-cop stances are a surefire way to get yourself an ice-cold form rejection
*no A.I.-generated anything
*ChatGPT can rot in Robot Hell
*try to keep your formatting to something vaguely resembling Shunn
*please include a cover letter
*something simple like “hey, here’s my story” is perfectly fine; we just like knowing there’s a human on the other end
*seriously, a fully-blank email is a good way to start off on the absolute wrong foot
*we’ll try to respond to all stories within a month of receipt (but please give us 8 weeks before querying)
*payment for accepted stories is $.05 per word and a paperback of the anthology you’re in
*please submit your stories through our Moksha portal
*questions and queries go to TheEvilClowns [at] AtomicCarnivalBooks [dot] com